MEMORIES of some of the most important days at a former historic church are being brought back to life, thanks to a unique arts project.

Sunderland’s Holy Trinity Church, now events space Seventeen Nineteen, was a popular wedding venue for local people for decades.

And although it has not held any ceremonies since the 1980s, those who got married there – or who have relatives that did -can help ensure those nuptials are preserved.

Volunteer Alison Myers is currently collecting stories and photographs from couples and families who have memories and memorabilia of weddings which took place at the church.

And once gathered, the team at Seventeen Nineteen will be working with acclaimed group, Durham Quilters Guild, to create a traditional wedding quilt inspired by the stories, which will go on show at the venue.

“The last wedding held at Holy Trinity was in the 1980s,” said Lily Daniels, Participation and Engagement Officer at Seventeen Nineteen.

“We’ve already had people come forward with some fantastic stories and photographs – some dating back to the 1920s – but we’d love to see more.”

Alison will be collecting the information throughout November, with the aim of starting the quilt in early 2023 and unveiling it at a special tea party for everyone who has been involved.

“The North East has a big link to quilting so this seemed the perfect way of using all of this incredible information and photographs,” said Lily.

Anyone wanting to share their stories or images can call in at Seventeen Nineteen at Church Street East during opening hours or can get in touch by emailing