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Renault Group launches the first industrial Metaverse

Boulogne-Billancourt, November 14, 2022 – Renault Group is accelerating its digitalization with the first industrial Metaverse. Today, 100% of production lines are connected (8,500 pieces of equipment), 90% of supply flows are constantly monitored and 100% of Supply Chain data is hosted in the Renault Group Metaverse, a true replica of the physical world controlled in real time. Engaged in Industry 4.0 since 2016, digital technology has already led to savings of €780 million. By 2025, it will enable €320m in various savings, which will be added €260m in savings on inventories, a 60% reduction in vehicle delivery time and a 50% reduction in the carbon footprint of its vehicle manufacturing, as well as a significant reduction in innovation cycles and a contribution to the 60% reduction in warranty costs targeted by the Group.

“Every day, a billion points of data are collected within the Renault Group’s industrial sites. The Metaverse provides real-time supervision that increases the agility and adaptability of industrial operations as well as the quality of production and the Supply Chain. Renault Group is becoming a pioneer in the sector.”
Jose Vicente de los Mozos, EVP, Industry Group and Head of country Iberia

The Industrial Metaverse: four dimensions

Together, these four dimensions constitute a complete, persistent, and real-time industrial Metaverse.

Leitmotiv: the Metaverse at the service of people
The supervision offered by the Metaverse through a better visibility of the work environment allows actors to gain agility and autonomy in decision making. Technologies from the world of gaming make user experiences more immersive. This is the case of painting training carried out in virtual reality. AI algorithms allow employees to anticipate, as do flow optimization and management functions for Supply Chain experts.

“The technological maturity of Renault Group allows the company to reach an important step in its digitalisation and transformation: the control of our data, the choice of advanced technologies, and the expertise of our teams are all levers to accelerate towards a Tech Company.”
Frédéric Vincent, EVP, Information Systems and Digital

To illustrate its industrial Metaverse in concrete terms, Renault Group presented 32 case studies at its Tech Industry Days. Here are a few examples:

“This industrial Metaverse is unique and enables us to activate previously invisible efficiency and performance levers, to the benefit of people and the environment. The management of data at Group level allows us to monitor, for example, the energy consumption of all our industrial and non-industrial sites in detail, and above all to optimise them in real time when a plant is stopped.”
Patrice Haettel, VP, Industrial Strategy and Engineering

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